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Congratulations Daniel, Simon, David and Edmundas for 50 years’ combined service!

MD Ben Lee was delighted to present four employees with their long service awards recently.

Our packing room operative Daniel Spolny and portion room operative Simon Vint both received awards for achieving 15 years’ service, whilst catcher David Wales and night hygiene operative Edmundas Balciunas received awards for reaching ten years’ service. What an achievement!

MD Ben Lee said: “We’re delighted to reward these team members with awards for long and loyal service. We’re proud of the fact that 16 of our 100-plus employees have been with us for 10 years or more and have a combined service of 239 years!”

Here’s to the next 50, chaps!

Pictured are, left to right: Daniel Spolny, Ben Lee and Simon Vint
